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In memory of The Professor

D'Marmol and The Professor

D’Marmol and The Professor

It is with great sadness that we convey the news that  Dr. Hector Zayas-Bazan y Perdomo, also known as The Professor, died peacefully in his sleep on Friday, February 6th.

hectorzayasThis man had great influence on Dr. del Marmol’s life, but also great influence on the world. He traveled internationally as a speaker in his field of Pharmacology, and was the founder of the International Congress of Pharmacologists. He not only represented Cuba in exile, but was made a United States citizen and represented both countries for many years. The Professor was not only these things, but an ideologist, politician and intelligence advisor.
Many times in Cuba, The Professor demonstrated his courage and selflessness for the cause of Cuban freedom; freedom from the oppressive dictator Castro. There is no way to express in words the love many had for this man who was like a father to Dr. del Marmol. He will be missed, and now rests peacefully with God.